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Asia is the most attractive market for LPs worldwide, and a majority of LPs believe fund terms will continue moving in their favour, according to a CEPRES survey.
Preserving electronic documents and communications is proving to be a difficult task for compliance officers, according to a recent survey.
In a new research paper, Nori Gerardo Lietz throws the spotlight on the staggeringly low number of women in senior investment and finance roles at private equity real estate firms. The hope is that going public with the issue will change the industry for the better.
A majority of LPs in a recent survey said they increased their GP partnerships in 2011. Almost a quarter of respondents plan to increase their private equity holdings this year.
Portfolio companies of private equity firms in Asia are not performing as well as they could be, though regulation across the region is a lower level of concern, according to a new GP survey.
Katita Palamar and Bill Farrell are expected to launch a new firm in the coming months.
Offshore LPs invested with China-based private equity managers are concerned at the conflict of interest between USD-denominated vehicles and their RMB-denominated counterparts. But what can be done?
Some LPs mistakenly think they’re committing to outperforming managers, according to a recent white paper.
GPs will need to go further to raise funds, and in an environment characterised by lower fees
LPs are demanding consultants and advisors provide extra due diligence when recommending real estate funds for investments – or face legal challenges if losses are later incurred.