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People Moves
Securing a private equity firm's data requires sophisticated technology and five minutes of every executive's time.
The Dutch central bank is keeping a close eye on alternative investment firms.
PEIGG has released updated guidelines on fair market valuation for the private equity industry in accordance with FASB 157. Some practitioners question the value of more stringent standards.
A recent US Congressional hearing on hedge funds hints at the regulatory tone for the buyout industry.
Recent take-private approaches in the UK have heightened focus on the Takeover Panel.
Should US lawmakers characterize carried interest as ordinary income, GPs would face a steep tax hike. Little wonder the mere rumor causes such a commotion.
Bigger, better 2007-04-01 Staff Writer Good news?the magazine you now hold has gone through a number of substantial and cosmetic upgrades.<br /><br />Formerly known as <italic>Private Equity Manager</italic>, the new <italic>PEI Manager </italic>has, like the global privat
Dominic Shorthouse’s mid-market fund has closed its second fund despite only exiting two investments from its first fund in 2002.
The UK-based placement agent has hired Clive Norton as a managing director.
Private equity's complexity can be a virtue to both GPs and LPs, but capturing the requisite detail on a year's worth of acquisitions, realizations and other relevant events within the Schedule K-1 takes an effort stretching well beyond tax season.