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Fees & Expenses
The outsourcing trend continues unabated, but the question of who pays for what, is not always straightforward.
Transfer agreements are seen as a $100,000 'copy & paste job' by some and 'complex legal contracts' that law firms are losing money on by others.
Some LPs have been frustrated by what they describe as a loophole in the GPs’ ostensible 80-100% management fee offset.
Some 38% of GPs offered early bird discounts on management fees in 2023, a marked increase from 18% the prior year, according to research from the law firm.
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Whatever happens to the SEC rules, the trade group hopes the industry can unite to raise the floor on transparency.
Service provider aims to speed up work on key fundraising stage with new feature.
Informing investors and managers alike is important, speakers said at Luxembourg funds gathering.
Blackstone CFO Michael Chae told the 2019 forum that private equity’s value creation and performance justified fee levels.
Private equity ‘can no longer operate as a cottage industry,’ ILPA chief executive Peter Freire warned delegates.