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Banks are changing the way security notices are issued to LPs following the firm's collapse.
Find out how the CFO's responsibilities have evolved to play a crucial role in fundraising at private funds firms.
What do we think we will be reporting this year? Data will feature heavily.
The GP's commitment to a new fund varies and can depend on the amount of funding.
The Volcker Rule forbids a bank or investment advisor from sharing the same name or a variation of the same name with a private equity fund that it creates.
California’s data law and cyber-risk management figure strongly on private equity agendas.
The regulator's Thaddeus North opinion gives guidance as to when enforcement action against chief compliance officers might be appropriate, write Sam Waldon and Erica Jones of Proskauer.
NB Alternatives Advisers was found to have improperly allocated compensation-related expenses to three private equity funds it advised.
GPs and fund administrators are strengthening their long-term relationships to ensure private equity firms’ operations are up to investors’ standards.
A look at our most viewed content this year paints a clear picture about what CFOs want to know.