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The firm is backing new legislation, which it will soon pilot, that combines the most attractive aspects of the regulatory frameworks from various states; and it wants industry input to help it make it a success.
Cyber-criminals see mid-market private equity firms and their funds as prime prey, and the hunt is on.
Insurance companies are stepping into the fund finance market. Khizer Ahmed of Hedgewood Capital Partners explains why they might be the right lenders for your next fund.
The SEC has issued guidance on the booming SPAC market, and many believe that more regulation is coming. Will regulators step in before the market shows signs of collapse?
Subscription credit facilities linked to ESG have piqued the interest of many GPs in the past year. Could these lines be right for you?
Colleagues and peers remember a man who nurtured a lasting, collaborative, knowledge-sharing culture in an intensely competitive industry.
The firm says the sub line, which is tied to board diversity in its portfolio companies, is the largest ever ESG-linked line in the US. And it anticipates doing more, say two executives involved in the transaction.
New guidelines clear away a web of no-action letters and provide new guidance, possibly opening up the opportunity for private funds to innovate, but coming with their own complexities.
Senior editors from across PEI Media’s titles discuss what they’ll have their eyes on in the coming months, from taxes and SEC oversight to the possibility of the industry being thrown into the public spotlight.
Perhaps most importantly, watch who takes leadership roles on the various legislative committees in Congress that impact private equity, as well as key positions in the administration.