Home Domiciles
New technology and tools should speed up the authorization process.
Swedish funds are considering their future in the country after the nation's top court affirmed that carry should be taxed as income, not capital.
Luxembourg and Ireland are preferred jurisdictions for private equity firms seeking to do business, but managers need to take action soon ahead of Brexit or risk missing out on doing business in the EU, Laurent Vanderweyen, chief executive of fund administrator Alter Domus, tells pfm
The country has one big advantage over other jurisdictions: a fund structured as a limited partnership is tax exempt.
A Luxembourg lawyer says funds reliant on treaty relief should be 'alert to risks' once the double-tax agreement between the two countries goes into effect next year.
Amid evidence that Luxembourg is taking more private fund business due to Brexit fears, the Jersey Fund Association says UK managers 'shouldn’t panic' when choosing a new domicile.