Home Daily
New York-based finance chief Jennifer Glassman joins the management committee as one of five changes.
Emails are no longer fit for purpose; we talk to the global firm's CFO about how it upgraded its processes.
How a venerable firm got a grip on 40 years of data, plus big news from the CFOs and COOs Forum team.
When your firm's day job is investing in technology businesses, you take care when buying in a software solution.
Insight Partners, Riverside and Adams Street take us through the highs and lows of three very different technology projects.
How do you stop a technology project chewing you up and spitting you out?
More insight into ILPA's limited partnership agreement, plus tips for anyone migrating data to the cloud (which is probably everyone.)
Advice from three experts on how to approach a technology project.
A first look at the details of the Institutional Limited Partners Association's example LP agreement with reflections from the group's senior policy counsel Chris Hayes.
Insight into non-bank lending, plus an awards reminder, some more mid-market leader Q&As and a survey from Deloitte.