Home Carried Interest

Carried Interest

Debates on increasing tax on carried interest shouldn’t ignore the wider contribution private equity brings to economies.
Linking a portion of carried interest to impact performance is becoming more common, with private equity firms like Apollo, Apax and EQT implementing such a mechanism. LPs are split on the idea.
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Tim Eberle, managing director of Citco Fund Services (USA), outlines the firm’s recommended steps to reduce heightened clawback risk.
GPs see a number of benefits to tying their remuneration to impact KPIs, according to a report from The ImPact.
digital image of information being processed, big data
The tech companies’ partnership will give clients automated carry and waterfall calculations, as well as instant access to relevant data from fund documents for audits and more.
The tech provider aims to make calculating overall carry more efficient as firms struggle to attract and retain operational talent.
Photo illustration for carried interest concept
Provider aims to make calculating overall carry faster and less error prone, and will soon offer automated employee-specific carry calculations.
Delegates at the 2014 forum heard about the challenges around automating the carry waterfalls process – something that’s still true nearly a decade on.
US Capitol tax reform
Earlier efforts to reform carried interest taxation had stalled, before US Senator Joe Manchin announced on Wednesday that he and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer had worked out a deal.
Golden eggs as metaphors for carried interest.
'Super carry' provisions letting GPs keep more than the traditional 20% help boost larger funds' profit-sharing proportions.

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