June 2019 issue

    Month: June
    Year: 2019

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    How robots are changing private equity forever

    The revolution has begun; here’s what the advent of robotic process automation and artificial intelligence means for your job.

    The search for stability in a shifting environment

    In an increasingly complex investment market, managers are sticking with traditional fund domiciles and outsourcing more of their operational functions, survey findings reveal. 

    Privacy laws: European GDPR is incompatible with SEC registration

    One reading of the GDPR argues firms cannot share information with the US regulator.

    Future 40: Hire these operations young guns

    The back-office staff from sister title Private Equity International's list of 40 private equity professionals under 40.

    A recruiter speaks: ’It is not OK to be a glorified controller anymore’

    Funds demand strategic and operationally focused CFOs.

    Blockchain: A revolution in the making

    Fund managers think blockchain will have a big effect; however, few are using it.

    RSM on how data became an ESG issue

    Validated data and reporting excellence are the future of corporate responsibility, says Anthony DeCandido, RSM partner and financial services senior analyst

    EisnerAmper on today’s LPAs: more aligned, more transparent

    The limited partnership agreement has seen significant changes in recent years, partly due to LPs placing greater emphasis on disclosure and transparency, as Simcha David, a tax partner with EisnerAmper, and Gautham Deshpande, an audit partner at the firm, explain.