News & Analysis

In the wake of the arrest of a rival bidder, US distressed private equity firm MatlinPatterson has acquired Italian fashion house Cerruti from troubled Italian textile and apparel conglomerate Fin.part, according to reports.
As private equity firms explore ways to generate value through operational improvements, cutting costs at portfolio companies has become front of mind for many GPs. Gwyneth Ketterer has made it her mission as chief operating officer of Bear Stearns Merchant Banking - which recently closed on $2.7 billion for its third fund - to think more collectively about the process. PEM recently spoke with Ketterer about her strategy of negotiating common vendor contracts for several portfolio companies at once.
Paid in the UK 2006-09-01 Staff Writer <b>Responses to, ?Do you think you are better off financially in private equity than if you had stayed in your former area of work??</b><br /><table><tr><td>Analyst/Associate</td><td>71</td><td>16</td><
While Sarbanes Oxley has dampened IPO activities in the US, the Alternative Investment Market in London is looking better and better as an exit route. By Joseph W. Bartlett
Changing course in French waters 2006-09-01 Staff Writer France is country of paradox ? simultaneously a pillar of ?Old Europe? while also determined to put forth the image of ?The New France? (entrepreneurial, dynamic and successful). Advertisements frequently published by the ?Invest in France? agency boas
Restrictions on general solicitation and advertising in private equity have stifled the industry's evolution. But the SEC appears to be setting the stage for change. By Jedd Wider
United States 2006-09-01 Staff Writer Sometimes - and only sometimes - new financial regulations are actually greeted enthusiastically by the groups affected. Private equity practitioners have welcomed the news (at press time) that the Pension Protection Act of 2006 has been forwarded to President Bush for e
Regulatory hot zones 2006-09-01 Staff Writer In every important private equity market looms regulatory change and uncertainty that may significantly impact the way private equity firms do business. Some potential changes bode well for the industry, others do not. Here are a few particularly hot issues.
Hot zones 2006-09-01 Staff Writer No one who works in the private equity industry can complain of boredom. As the market has become more complex and more global, surprise has become the norm.Take, for example, the news last May that Kohlberg Kravis Roberts listed a fund on the Euronex
IN-HOUSE PROFILE 2006-09-01 Staff Writer Career details: BA, Princeton University and MPhil, Yale University, both in geology, interrupted by service in the US Navy; JD from the University of Virginia; associate of Chadbourne & Parke in New York, Washington, DC and Al Khobar, Sau

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