Investors are getting more sophisticated when it comes to environmental, social and governance considerations as they look to future-proof their portfolios.
ESG and compliance are 'two separate goals' and should not be conflated, Railpen's Michael Marshall said on stage at a Responsible Investment Forum in London.
Prudential’s head of responsible investment, Liza Jansen, sees it as the valid starting point of an ESG learning curve.
AI’s use cases are simpler and more practical than you may think, writes Raj Bakhru, co-founder and CEO of BlueFlame AI, a provider of data management solutions for alternative investment managers.
Proposed templates come with business upsides, but implementation won’t necessarily be simple.
After three years spent grappling with the EU sustainability rules, some managers have found an approach that works for them; but most still are hoping for reform.
If 20% of expected climate investment is accounted for by private markets, TPG executive chairman Jim Coulter said, 'spending... will be bigger than the entire private equity industry is today.'
'If the rule gets vacated, we are still going to push this project forward,' says ILPA’s Neal Prunier.
Impact reports support asset owners and allocators to 'make investment and engagement decisions,' the guide states.
Investors value ongoing relationships and eschew lavish meetings.