While Sarbanes Oxley has dampened IPO activities in the US, the Alternative Investment Market in London is looking better and better as an exit route. By Joseph W. Bartlett
United States 2006-09-01 Staff Writer Sometimes - and only sometimes - new financial regulations are actually greeted enthusiastically by the groups affected. Private equity practitioners have welcomed the news (at press time) that the Pension Protection Act of 2006 has been forwarded to President Bush for e
IN-HOUSE PROFILE 2006-09-01 Staff Writer Career details: BA, Princeton University and MPhil, Yale University, both in geology, interrupted by service in the US Navy; JD from the University of Virginia; associate of Chadbourne & Parke in New York, Washington, DC and Al Khobar, Sau
Simpson Thacher advises on the world's largest LBO, again
With activities spanning the VC and public equity realms, Crosslink Capital must be doubly diligent about adhering to regulatory requirements. By Judy Kuan
FRONTLINE 2006-09-01 Staff Writer Monument boosts European teamMonument Group, an independent private equity placement agent, has hired Laurence Zage as director of its London affiliate. Zage has left Helix where he was vice president and head of research with responsibility fo
In light of strategic and technological advances in the fundraising process, GPs should scrupulously manage the content on their websites.
The vehicle of choice for many fund managers and investors despite its archaic roots, the English LP is set for a revamp.
For the last year, listed European private equity firms have been consolidating their accounts - a requirement they view as unnecessary and potentially misleading. At least one industry pro is still looking for an escape route. By Andy Thomson
PEM examines three cutting-edge forms of due diligence that are being used in a changing risk environment.