For those about to launch or upgrade their web reporting systems, here are the holy rules you must abide by.
The International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines Board has added five US members, two Europeans and one Australian.
Below is an excerpt of a letter sent recently by Howard Marks to investors. Marks is the chairman of Los Angeles-based alternative investment giant Oaktree Capital Management, which has a strong focus on the debt markets. In the letter, Marks lays out his analysis of the ongoing credit crisis and the role that mark-to-market accounting has played in it.
Unless more responses to Sir David Walker's UK transparency review imitate Terra Firma's informative report, the process risks resembling a PR exercise.
The UK's Companies Act 2006 presents new challenges for directors' duties, particularly when dealing with private equity bids.
In the US and Europe, GPs are facing pressure to disclose more, which is changing the rules of investor relations.
LPs moan about standards, transparency and timeliness, but investor relations practices will not change so long as GP services are in high demand.
GPs have a wealth of choices among web-based reporting systems which are fast becoming the standard for delivering information to investors.
When placement agents and in-house investor relations pros work together, there are plenty of chances to step on each other's toes. Collaboration goes smoothly when both sides play to their strengths and define boundaries.
General CounselSilver Lake PartnersMenlo Park, California