Regulated infrastructure assets still attract investors, even as GPs call regulatory risk one of their main concerns. Sister publication Infrastructure Investor examines the fall-out.
American GPs with Chinese capital may have to re-think not just their deal and exit strategies but also future fundraising.
The template standardizes the request by LPs for portfolio company information, which typically has been customized.
An LP lobby group says a change in Delaware law and an SEC no-action letter unleashed a 'perfect storm' to the detriment of private fund investors.
Watching the German government tie itself in knots to prevent China State Grid buying into 50Hertz drove home how inadequate its laws are.
The recommendation came in a report ordered by President Trump on the future of US financial regulation.
Mid-term elections are approaching; now’s the time to remind your staff about the SEC’s view on campaign contributions.
Kristin Snyder replaces another longtime SEC officer, Jane Jarcho, who is retiring at the end of August.
The issue is less about what you charge, and more about who you tell.
A poll of 39 fund managers, including limited partners, found that most hold concerns about risk management and decision making at their firms.