Toby Mitchenall
More insight into ILPA's limited partnership agreement, plus tips for anyone migrating data to the cloud (which is probably everyone.)
ILPA’s bid to shed more light on fund terms won’t be adopted overnight.
A first look at the details of the Institutional Limited Partners Association's example LP agreement with reflections from the group's senior policy counsel Chris Hayes.
ILPA senior policy counsel Chris Hayes discusses the organization's new model limited partnership agreement, including how it seeks to restore fiduciary duty to the LP-GP relationship.
The LP-friendly limited partnership agreement is intended to cut down the need for negotiation and side letters when establishing a private equity fund.
Insight into non-bank lending, plus an awards reminder, some more mid-market leader Q&As and a survey from Deloitte.
We gathered seven C-suite executives from mid-market firms to find out what is currently on their minds.
'We’re seeing a lot of wire transfer fraud, maybe two times per quarter,' says one of our panelists.
Three early indicators that environmental, social and governance issues will move towards the CFO's purview.
Some LPs envision a world in which sustainability goals are linked to carried interest, they said at an event in London.