Nicole Miskelly
Blackstone’s head of international compliance Susannah Lindenfield has been promoted to general counsel for Asia Pacific amid a number of changes in the firm’s management structure in the region.
The US Treasury Department has issued anti-inversion rules that could affect private equity-backed companies.
The partnership is fuelled by increased investor demand for genuine independence between the fund depository and the administrator.
The move follows the fund service provider’s acquisition by an investor group from Barclays Bank in January.
The US law firm pays London lawyers more than UK “Magic Circle” law firms, according to new research.
In the wake of the Panama Leaks, the Cayman Islands, Jersey and Guernsey have moved to distance themselves from the vast leak of confidential information that has drawn widespread attention to so-called ‘tax havens’.
The Vietnamese private equity firm was advised by offshore law firm Carey Olsen on moving its fund from the Cayman Islands to Guernsey.
The firm has recruited four private equity and M&A lawyers from King & Wood Mallesons, including KWM’s Paris-head, for its new office.
The law firm is seeking to connect with its clients and peer firms about the main topics affecting women in business.
Baker & McKenzie adds a partner from Debevoise; DLA Piper appoints a new head of tax in Finland; and more private fund lawyer moves.