Home Authors Posts by Jennifer Harris

Jennifer Harris

Japan's move to scrape its onerous capital gains tax could help boost its current dwindling foreign private equity numbers.
Firms must now file Form D online; making it easier than ever for the public to access fundraising information.
Vilified by the press over a high-profile deal gone wrong, BC Partners met its critics head on at a rare press conference.
In October distressed debt hedge fund manager Monarch Alternative Capital - which spun out of Quadrangle in January 2008 - closed a private equity-style hedge fund in excess of $300 million, combining the advantages of both asset classes: the fund can invest in opportunities when they are available and hold lower cash balances than typically held in a hedge fund. Jennifer Harris spoke with CFO Michael Maroof about the firm and the new fund.
PEIM spoke with three veteran venture capital firms about why an exclusive focus on early stage investing has lost its lustre. Chief among the reasons: it's hard to move a big-fund needle with little deals.
In economic downturns, the venture capital CFO must be the firm's central command for cost cutting initiatives at fledgling portfolio companies
Permira has offered its LPs a way out of their commitments - but at a steep price
As firms focus on their core competencies, back office employees are often the first to go
Mid Europa Partners is the successor entity to EMP Europe, which was formed in 1999 by EMP Global. EMP Europe was launched in 1999, and in early 2005 the EMP Europe team bought out EMP Global's stake to form Mid Europa. The firm invests in Central and Eastern Europe, and has since raised two successor vehicles. As the firm grew, founding member Bill Morrow moved from the investment team to become the firm's first COO. Jennifer Harris spoke with Morrow about the development of the role.
PEI Manager compares the global operations of five different private equity firms, and discovers more than one way to conquer the world

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