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Amy Carroll

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The SEC is ramping up its scrutiny of fees and expenses. Is the private markets industry prepared for what may come next?
If new SEC proposals come into force, it could create a punishing SME funding gap.
Private equity has been slow to embrace the use of artificial intelligence, but data is dominant and those that fail to leverage its power may be left behind
Disagreement over broken-deal fees could spell the end for co-investment if the regulator intervenes
With funds keen to farm out non-core functions, the issue of whether the management company or the fund should be paying outsourcing costs is rising up the agenda
The debate around who pays dead deal fees has entered a new phase.
Private equity’s two and 20 fee structure belies a host of idiosyncrasies, especially how management fees should be handled at the other end of a fund’s life
Our biennial survey shines a light on fees and expenses as the SEC seeks to tighten its grip.
drawing of individuals in a group with dollar signs
NAV and GP funding lines have joined subscription facilities as legitimate liquidity tools across private markets.
The fund finance industry is experiencing exponential growth, but there are a number of issues that borrowers need to address

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